Saturday, 22 April 2017

Six On A Saturday

Oh Saturday, you got here just in time. Why is it that a four day week feels just as long, if not longer, than a normal working week? Either way, I'm very happy to have some time to catch up on life stuff and get some blogging stuff. I wanted to check in with a slightly more personal ~diary style~ blog with lots of things happening lately.

I've been watching... Bates Motel. So good. I'm into my horror/creepy shows and this is an excellent prequel to Norman Bates' life. I like a good Netflix binge, and this is my pick du jour. Also am waiting impatiently every week for a new season of RP drag race, which is my plan for this morning. 

I've been reading... Jo Malone's biography - very interesting. I am a big fan of the perfumes but I am even more interested after reading about her obvious gift for scent and I'm intrigued to try her second brand, Jo Loves, after reading. I've also become a bit obsessed with Man Repeller as a blog (I know, late to the party) and have been going back through the archives. 

I've been busy... getting ready to start a new job in a few weeks! I'm really excited for a change and a bit of a switch up, so can't wait for that. 

I've been planning... Lots of blog content, as always! I'm got all of May's blog posts all planned out, I just need to write them now... Daily blogging is something I absolutely adore, and I find I always end up having more ideas than ever before. If you want to see anything, dear reader, let me know. 

I've been buying... Over the Easter weekend I placed a little Cult Beauty order and now I'm testing out some new Jouer bits as well as a shade from the new Huda Beauty nude lip collection. New makeup just makes me really happy. I've also been lusting over all things Buly 1803 and Byredo, as always. 

I'm looking forward to... My birthday next weekend! We're off to Bath Spa for a birthday treat right after and I can't wait. Being 24, I am not as excited about. 



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