Saturday 25 February 2017

Hey (blogger), It's OK...

To not always be happy with your blog

To give yourself a break

To hate the term influencer, what happened to blogger?

To not love pastels and rose gold

To not have everything together all the time

To want to go to dinner at places that will look good on snapchat

If you're not into Avocados on toast

To ignore your really elaborate skincare routine and just fall asleep

To save your really good selfies for a day you truly need them

To mute people on twitter. Or, just unfollow...

If your house is a mess apart from that one area near the window where you take instagram shots

To own 50 different styling products but always go back to hair in a bun

If the closets you're getting to marble backgrounds is with a notebook

(and finally) to be proud of your self!



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