Tuesday 1 July 2014

Hola Barcelona

Back in good ol' Blightly... after a week in Barcelona. My first time in Spain, but definitely not my last. Gorgeous weather, delicious food, amazing sights and a really cool atmosphere. I even managed to escape with only a tiny bit of sun burn. We managed to pack a lot in - both sight wise and in terms of food, hehe. Top 5 recommendations - Sephora, obviously (check back tomorrow for a haul!). Montjuic mountain for the awesome views. Boqueria market for smoothies and food, Gaudi everything because it is all stunning and the zoo because they have so many animals, including a tiger(!). Restaurant-wise 7 Portes has the best paella ever, Tarantino pizzeria is... tarantino themed and Milk has the best brunch I've ever had. I wish I was back there! :)


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